- Autonomous vehicles, especially cars
- Space, life after earth
- Internet as Space, spatial interfaces
- Progress Studies
- Tik Tok, Culture of how meme like things spread
- How databases actually work
- consumer internet products
- Social Capital
- Programming Language design for Learning (see game design / creative tools)
- Climate Change for Technologist
- Urban Design for Transit, greening cities, no car cities
- Game Design / Creative Tools / Tools for Thought?
- Multimedia Studies
- Tech philosophy
- Human Computer Brain Interfaces
- Charter Cities?
- Circular Economy — Climate etc.
- Virtual Reality, especially from an artistic/creative lens.
- VR for music videos. Public art. Experiential
- VR as a 'third place' — social, anthropological
- Improving biking in city, especially over railroad tracks
- Bike moniter to detect PCI (pavement condition index)
- Livable Cities for People (Gehl)
- Livable spaces? How do people get the most from their environments.
- Creating space for calm.
- Spiritual Technology
- Augmented Intelligence (Spaced Repetition embedded into Interfaces etc.)
- Learning Interfaces
- Computational Creativity
- Unschooling, Education **
- Slow Design, Slow Fashion, Slowness **
- Brewing Kumbucha
- Interactive + New Media (general)
- Curation as a Service
- Venture Studios // Search Labs **
- Electronic Music Production